Study looks at recovery potential in comatose patients who died after halting life-sustaining therapyMost comatose patients resuscitated from cardiac arrest who died after withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy (WLST) were considered by experts to have recovery potential of at least 1%, according to a study published online March 25 in JAMA Network Open.... Read more
Pregnant women advised to avoid mentholated e-cigarettesVaping during pregnancy is becoming more common, but its impact on early human development is not well understood. A new study by scientists at the University of California, Riverside, now reports that the flavor chemical menthol used in electronic cigarettes could pose risks to a developing baby.... Read more
UK research highlights urgent need for national strategy to combat rising eating disordersThe increasing number of people with eating disorders and a lack of national guidance for support teams has led to researchers calling for a new national strategy that includes specific guidance to support the remote delivery of eating disorder services.... Read more
Park entrances may be hotspots for infective dog roundworm eggsIn an analysis of soil samples from twelve parks in Dublin, Ireland, park entrances were more heavily contaminated with infective roundworm eggs than any other tested park location.... Read more
Partnering diet and intestinal microbes could protect against GI diseaseDespite being an everyday necessity, nutrition is something of a black box. We know that many plant-based foods are good for us, but we don't always know why. Our intestinal microbiome, which helps break down these foods once we consume them, is another black box. What role do our gut... Read more
Study reveals association between dietary sodium consumption and general and abdominal obesityNew research to be presented at the European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2025, Malaga, Spain, 11–14 May) shows an association between the amount of sodium consumed in the diet and the risk of both general and abdominal obesity. The study is by Annika Santalahti, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare,... Read more
Do any non-drug treatments help back pain? Here's what the evidence saysJason, a 42-year-old father of two, has been battling back pain for weeks. Scrolling through his phone, he sees ad after ad promising relief: chiropractic alignments, acupuncture, back braces, vibrating massage guns and herbal patches.... Read more
Coffee enemas probably won't detox your system. They're more likely to cause you serious damageWhat do King Charles and Gwyneth Paltrow have in common? Give up? They've both at one point or another caused coffee colonic-related controversies.... Read more
Losing your job is bad for your health, but there are things you can do to minimize the harmThe Trump administration's firing and furloughing of tens of thousands of federal workers and contractors have obviously caused economic hardship for Americans employed in national parks, research labs and dozens of government agencies.... Read more
Long-haul truckers face a daunting array of health risks stemming from their workThey're on our highways and our state roads. We see them at rest stops and service plazas. They move our economy. Literally. They're tractor-trailer trucks, and they're a vital part of the U.S. economy, hauling 70% of consumer and industrial goods and logging about 200 billion miles annually in the... Read more
NIH ends funding for the effects of climate change on healthThe National Institutes of Health (NIH) will no longer fund new research on how climate change affects people's health, according to records reviewed by ProPublica.... Read more
What's behind gluten sensitivity when celiac tests are negative?For millions of people worldwide, gluten has become a dietary villain, blamed for everything from bloating and brain fog to fatigue and depression.... Read more
A caffeine kick can come with health risksCaffeine is almost ubiquitous in everyday life. It is found in the typical morning cup of coffee, in black tea, in cola, in energy drinks and even in chocolate.... Read more
'Show up and share': How one ICU helps patients and staff live with dyingExtraordinary things happen in the cardiothoracic intensive care unit at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.... Read more
In New York, providers must put patient costs on the tableThe routine is familiar to most people: When checking in for an appointment with a doctor or other health care provider, patients typically complete and sign a pile of paperwork, including a form that contains some version of the statement: "I agree to pay for all charges not covered by... Read more